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bestchance Training kick-starts career in early childhood care

Recent bestchance Training graduate Natasha had just finished her Diploma of Early Childhood Education & Care when she was offered a job at a kindergarten. Natasha’s bestchance course led her straight into the career she wanted and she is excited about her future in this industry. 

We sat down with Natasha to find out all about her training experience and how it has provided her with a pathway to the rewarding career she loves.

Tell us about your bestchance Training?

I studied for two years with bestchance and I have just graduated. Firstly, I completed my Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care and then I decided to do my Diploma of Early Childhood Education & Care

What led you to a career in early childhood education?

I have been a stay-at-home mum to two beautiful girls for quite a few years, and I’ve always loved working with children and their families because I was a nanny for a long time. I wanted to get back into the workforce and these courses were perfect for me to extend my knowledge and develop my skills so that I can have a broader range of career choices and develop my career in the industry.

How did you find the course structure?

I am a single mum so I needed to make sure the course I chose was right for me and my family life. I really loved how the course was structured because it was during school hours and we got the school holidays off. I could do the school drop off, go to bestchance, do my course and then come back and get the kids. So, for someone with a family, the flexibility was brilliant for me… it was just perfect.

Did you feel well supported?

I can’t speak highly enough of my teacher, Christiina. She was incredible and very supportive. She has been working in the industry for a very long time so she is extremely knowledgeable. I really enjoyed our class discussions and her encouragement. Christiina is incredibly patient and very thorough and I felt like I could ask any questions and she would take the time to explain and make sure I understood. Christiina also did a brilliant job during COVID… managing the transition to studying from home, and I felt like there was a lot of support during this time.

How did you find placement?

The placement was great. I did one placement during my Certificate III and another during my Diploma, so I had the opportunity to work both with babies in a childcare centre and then with children who were two and above in a kindergarten. Being able to implement the knowledge I had gained through my classroom work into a real workplace setting was invaluable. I also learnt a lot from other educators, and I was able to gain experience on how things were operating in different environments. 

What advice do you have for others thinking about this career pathway?

You’ve gotta love what you do so if you really love working and you’re excited about being able to make a difference in early childhood then bestchance training is a great stepping stone into the industry. 

If you have a real passion for that, I would definitely encourage this career pathway. I also think that there are many different career opportunities within the industry, for example, there is kindergarten, early childhood support and care, management, and there’s career progression opportunities to work your way up in different areas. I would also say the work-life balance and flexibility with hours is a good bonus.

What’s next for you?

My new role at a kindergarten with bestchance! I love working with that age group and through my work experience, I realised how much I love working with the age in terms of their development and engagement with their learning.

This will be my first professional role in a kindergarten setting so I am really excited about working with other educators and the new challenges that the role will bring. I can’t wait to develop new skills and implement what I have learnt through my training. I just really really love it.

Click here, or call us on 1300 224 644, to find out more about bestchance Training courses and what options are best suited to you. At bestchance Training, we offer a model of learning that focuses on ensuring our graduates are workforce-ready, just like Natasha! 

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