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Meet bestchance Volunteer Jenny

After retiring from a long career in nursing, bestchance volunteer Jenny decided that she wanted to assist at her local kindergarten and give back to her community. She has been volunteering two days a week since 2018 and gives us some insights about the rewarding nature of giving back.

Why did you decide to volunteer?

I have always been interested in early childhood care and education because I began my nursing career working at the Royal Children’s Hospital. I had actually drifted away from working with children as my career progressed and volunteering was a great opportunity to work with them again. I was a nurse on and off for a long time and I also raised my own children, but once I retired, I wanted to have something to do outside of the house and I found volunteering really rewarding.

What is great about volunteering?

It is definitely the fun of working with the children, and that is a real positive because they are a delight to be around. I am also so appreciated by the staff that work there and that is a really nice feeling. They really value my attendance and help, which makes me feel good… they are also very grateful that they have an extra pair of hands and I can help when things get busy.

Do you find it rewarding?

Volunteering is very rewarding. It makes you feel useful in the community, and it is certainly better than sitting at home by yourself. I also find it to be a good social outlet, and I’m helping people so I think there are a lot of positive results to come out of it.

The staff at the kindergarten are wonderful and they do an amazing job and it is nice to be a part of that. Anybody who has worked with a kindergarten knows what an amazing job they do at making sure young children are ready to succeed at school and in the world, and all the challenges that come with that… it’s a pretty big responsibility.

Will you continue?

Definitely. I will volunteer as long as I can because it is so rewarding.


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