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Last Friday, Nar Nar Goon Kindergarten celebrated its completion of the Health Achievement Program, as the first kindergarten to do so in the Cardinia Shire Region Victorian Government initiative.

The Annual Welcome Picnic doubled as a celebration of Nar Nar Goon Kindergarten’s successful completion of the last 3 badges in the Achievement Program, for Tobacco Control, Safe Environments and Mental Wellbeing. Over the course of the last year, Nar Nar Goon Kindergarten was awarded the Healthy Eating and Oral Health, Physical Activity and Sun Protection badges for their continued focus on child and community-wide health education.

The kinder has constructed an educational outdoor play experience for the children, which can be altered to challenge the kids’ learning. The exciting area has already led to improvement in gross and motor skills! More recently has been the purchase of Smart TVs, to be used for guided meditation and story-time in the classroom, whilst allowing staff to access professional development webinars and communication channels.

Staff joined together with the PAG and bestchance representatives to celebrate the momentous occasion. Children huddled around the fruit platters, families sat outside on picnic rugs and smiling staff gathered to celebrate their efforts with the community.

The Health Achievement program is designed to encourage good decision making, by teaching these practices not only to the children, but their parents, kinder staff and the wider community. Now recognized as a Victorian Government Health Promotion Service, the future looks bright for Nar Nar Goon Kindergarten.

Check out the pictures of the event.

To find out more about our Kindergartens, click HERE.

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