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The children at Noble Park Child Care Centre were visited by the local police recently, to learn about the role of the police within the community.

The visit was organised by one of the parents, Andrew, who came to see the children with his fellow police officer, Luke.

To start the day, the children took part in a finger-tracing activity led by Andrew, to learn about the wonderful world of fingerprints. The exercise taught the children about police practices and about how each person’s fingerprint is unique to themselves.

After the activities, came question time! The children could barely contain their excitement as they peppered the officers with questions about their work. Once the children’s curiosity had been satisfied, the officers led a conversation about the duties and work of the police.

As the visitors departed, the children were asked for their opinion about the police force and their work. Although the youngsters had previously been unsure, after having their questions answered by the experts, there was a drastic change in thinking. The replies that followed showed how much the children had learnt, and the value of this knowledge.


So, what is the role of a police officer (according to the children of Noble Park Child Care Centre)?

“They help people and if someone is bothering you, then you can dial 000 and ask for help.”


A great day with lots to learn and laughter to share! Check out the images of the visit below.

To find out more about Noble Park Child Care Centre, click HERE.

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