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TeamBest raised $7500 and are still counting!

TeamBest rode into Port Fairy around 11am on 27 March after a 520-kilometre ride to raise funds for The Cheshire School. 

The tally is currently sitting at almost $7500 but fundraising organiser and team member Chris Moorfoot says “we are still counting!”

It was still smiles all round, and a sense of achievement for the team, on their way across the finish line after a challenging day on the road.  

The event, Woody’s Murray to Moyne, is a relay cycling event that saw the Team pedaling their way from Echuca to Port Fairy in just 24 hours. 

The team needed to ride 25 kilometres per hour to make the time, but they ended up averaging over 27 kilometres and above so it was a great accomplishment by all.  

teambest fundraiser finish line 2
teambest fundraiser sunrise
teambest fundraising

It didn’t matter what challenges the team faced along the way (including a headwind on the first leg), the riders bravely pushed through and kept the end goal in mind. 

Although, stopping for a sunrise picture and a hip flexor stretch on the side of a country road was a must! 

We would like to give a big thank you to the team and their amazing effort to raise funds to help families with The Cheshire School program scholarships. This will give much-needed support for the program and make a big difference in families’ lives. There is still time to show your support by donating via GiveNow.

Chris says the team are already talking about next year’s ride and they are ‘very keen’.  

Thank you TeamBest! 

teambest fundraiser stretching

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