Welcome to bestchance.


What do we do?

A dietitian will give personalised nutrition and diet advice to help improve your child’s health and wellbeing. A dietitian will also support you and your child to put this advice into practice at home. 

Who do we work with?

Children between the ages of 0-10 years (and their caregivers) to ensure food intake meets individual needs.


What are some areas we can help your child with?

  • Introduction of solids / food texture progression
  • Strategies for “fussy” or selective eating
  • Strategies for food avoidance/aversion due to sensory experience
  • Reducing anxiety/stress around mealtimes
  • Management of poor weight gain
  • Bowel health e.g. constipation
  • Management of chronic conditions e.g. diabetes, allergy/intolerance
  • Nutritional adequacy (micronutrients, macronutrients, energy intake)

Things we do during a session:

  • Full nutrition assessment (height and weight measurements where necessary, growth history, test results, medical history, medications, developmental history, sensory experience, social history, stress and coping, physical activity, mealtime observations, diet history, food likes/dislikes etc)
  • Caregiver/child education about food and nutrition
  • Encourage safe and responsive mealtime environments
  • Food play and food familiarity
  • Helping caregivers to support their child in trialling new foods
  • Recipe ideas
  • Help with lunchboxes
  • Suggesting supplementation where appropriate
OT girl feeding herself

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