Individual Therapy
A strengths-based and family-centred partnership
We recognize that children learn best when parents and professionals work together as a team.
As a parent or carer, you have the best knowledge of your child and family. As Allied Health Therapists, we have a range of expertise on early childhood development. It is by combining these two elements that we achieve the best outcomes for your child.
We are guided by what you want for your child, and therefore our individual therapy sessions take place in the environment you see is best for your child, whether that is at your home, at childcare, at Kindergarten or at bestchance.
Our team provides each family with a Key Worker who is the main contact for all services. Your Key Worker collaborates with any other professionals or specialists to act as your family’s advocate and to ensure your child is receiving well-rounded, comprehensive care.
Speech Pathology
Speech Pathology is a form of therapy for children that addresses challenges with speech, language, communication, or if a child has problems swallowing food or drink.
A Speech Pathologist can help a child develop their:
- Understanding of language (receptive language)
- Ability to express themselves (expressive language)
- Social use of language (pragmatics)
- Articulation of different sounds
- Ability to safely eat and drink, including swallowing
- Literacy skills
- Fluency of language (e.g. stuttering)
- Voice (i.e. how a child sounds)
Speech Pathologists use exercises and activities to addresses the specific challenges of the child. This can be in the form of interacting through play while using books, pictures, toys and other objects to stimulate language development.
Speech Pathologists will also provide strategies for parents and caregivers to continue speech therapy at home.
Occupational Therapy
Some children have difficulties doing day-to-day activities because of physical, sensory, emotional, psychological or other developmental difficulties. Occupational Therapists promote health and wellbeing by supporting children to participate in their everyday activities. This includes self-care activities (e.g. toileting, dressing & eating), leisure and play activities (e.g. play skills, sport and gross motor skills, craft skills) and work (or school/kinder for children).
Occupational Therapists can assist your child in the following areas:
- Fine motor skills: pencil grasp, cutting, drawing, writing and using cutlery.
- Gross motor skills: walking, running, climbing, ball games.
- Self-care skills: dressing skills, toilet training, eating & bathing.
- Play skills: Imaginative and social play skills such as turn taking & sharing.
- Sensory processing: Children can have difficulty processing information from their senses such as taste, smell, movement or sight and can be either over responsive or under responsive to sensory information which can affect their behaviour and learning.
- Cognitive: attention and concentration, problem solving and organisation.
Some children may have a range of conditions that affect their physical development, mobility and ability to participate in everyday life. They may have difficulties with sitting, crawling, walking, jumping, hopping, climbing, or even riding a scooter or bicycle.
A Physiotherapist can address these challenges and help children to become more physically independent.
Physiotherapy can help children who have:
- Problems with balance, posture, coordination and general motor skills
- Joint, muscle or nerve problems that are causing weakness or pain
- Weight and fitness issues
- Recovery after surgery to improve strength, movement, function and independence
- Sports injuries
Children's Psychology
Psychologists can help children become better equipped to handle challenges that may impede their development, self-esteem or relationship-building. Addressing difficulties early on can often help prevent them from escalating.
There are many reasons why parents and carers seek the support of a psychologist to help their child.
Children and parents may visit us to help with:
- Managing challenging behaviours
- Developing play skills
- Understanding and supporting emotional needs, including anxiety and anger
- Improving self esteem
- Coping with grief and loss
- Educational and developmental support for learning difficulties
Therapy Assistants
Therapy Assistants collaborate with a child’s key Therapists to support them in practicing the skills they learn in therapy and apply them in their natural environments.
Our Therapy Assistants can support your child’s unique needs in a range of ways. These may include
- Transferring and consolidating skills to increase independence across all settings
- Increasing community participation and social engagement
- Practicing and developing communication skills, including alternative communication techniques
- Establishing routines and strategies tailored to improve overall development
- Providing individualised support in the classroom to support your child to participate in learning
Please note that it is essential that your child continues to receive therapy provided by one of our qualified Therapists at least once per month when accessing our Therapy Assistant services. Only a qualified Allied Health Professional has the necessary expertise to assess, diagnose, make professional recommendations and develop treatment plans that are specific, appropriate and safe for your child.