22 Curran Drive, Officer, VIC 3809
At Arena Child and Family Centre, we run 3 and 4 year old Kindergarten programs. Our educational program is play based, open-ended and allows children to move freely between indoor and outdoor play areas.
We provide an environment that is safe and supportive, with a rich and diverse range of experiences that promote children’s learning and development. We welcome parent involvement and work in partnership with you to create the right learning environment your child.
We value both the indoor and outdoor environment and encourage the children to play outdoors in a variety of weather conditions. We have plenty of space for children to explore, learn and discover.
Throughout the year, your child will have the opportunity to participate in both incursions and excursions. These experiences enrich the children’s learning experiences and are an important part of our program.
Our curriculum supports social, emotional, cognitive, physical, technological and creative learning. It is also a celebration of multiculturalism and includes a variety of cultural events throughout the year.
At Arena Child and Family Centre, we are very conscious of keeping our staff and children safe in the sun; therefore we are official participants in the SunSmart program.
The children have equal rights to learn, be loved and valued and be encouraged to see their sense of worth as an individual. They will be empowered to make choices and learn through play. We believe that all children are unique and they learn in many different ways. We welcome all children and families regardless of gender, ability, culture, religion or background.
We invite all parents and families to participate in the program. We believe in family involvement, one that is respected and valued. We will uphold open communication and respect for the children’s families so we have the best knowledge of each child. We aim to be inclusive, respectful and supportive of everyone’s needs, wants, backgrounds and beliefs, working closely with families and community to build strong relationships.
We invite the community to be involved in this service and the service to be involved in the community. We have strong relationships with the supported service on site. We believe in having opportunities for learning for the children, families and educators through community experiences. The children, families and educators have the right to belong to everyone’s communities.
We will practise a holistic approach to teaching and learning by establishing respectful relationships and focusing on the children’s strengths, abilities and interests, providing an indoor/outdoor program. We will balance intentional teaching practices alongside a child centred approach to teaching and learning. We are aware of the impact a healthy mind and body can have on a person’s sense of wellbeing. We have qualified staff that are caring and dedicated to providing a range of educational opportunities for children to develop their skills and to have the best possible start in life.
Central Enrolment Scheme for both 3 & 4 year old Kindergarten registrations:
Contact the Kindergarten Central Enrolment Officer on
1300 787 624 or email
kindergartens@cardinia.vic.gov.au with any questions about how to register or using the kindergarten portal.
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